Installation, Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, 2019. Supported by Nora Hickey M’Sichili and CCI.
Following thoughts about artists’ labour, the meditative properties of labyrinths, and the connections between walking and creative thinking, after a two month residency in 2018 at the Centre.
Made with steel rebar and red and white hazard tape, Work Walk nodded to the invisible work that happens in and around the Centre Culturel Irlandais building. Generations of artists pacing the streets of the 5th arrondissement, whittling ideas. The work that looks like nothing. Labyrinths have been used in European folk traditions for millennia as meditative devices for contemplation, even aids to magic. There are seafarers who walked labyrinth-patterned paths before setting out on a voyage, as a protective charm. I am drawn to the functional magic of a walk.